
Did you know,over 80% of the solar panels removed from Australian solar systems are still functional!


In contrast to our current linear economic model, a circular economy strives to stop waste production by keeping materials in circulation. This keeps waste and pollution out of our environment and reduces the pressure on natural resources.


WA Solar Recycling (WASR) was established with the primary aim of diverting used PV panels and other solar equipment from landfill. We strive to reuse as much of the equipment brought to us as possible, when this is not feasible, we recycle. You can read more about how we handle different equipment below.


Solar panels are made to last 25+ years, and over 80% of panels that are taken down from rooftop systems are still functional. Capturing the reuse value of these valuable products is our primary aim. Reuse contributes to a reduction in valuable mineral extraction, finite resource consumption and emissions.

Usual avenues for battery recycling will not accept Lithium Batteries, however at WASR we do. We store these batteries in anticipation of a recycling solution in the near future.

Lead Batteries from UPS and back-up systems are intercepted, tested, and repurposed, if these batteries are truly at end of life, they will be sent for recycling.

Solar Rail is assessed and repurposed if suitable or sent for recycling.

Inverters are broken down and components recycled due to minimal options for repurposing

Reduce & Repurpose
Avoiding waste all together is optimal and the majority of panels coming through our gates are still fully functional. We believe in maximising the lifespan of these products and the valuable resources they contain. These functional panels are ideal for entry into the second-life market, so after assessment and cleaning, panels will head over to one of our our retail partners to fulfill their power generation potential.

In the short time since WASR was established in 2018, the possibilities for solar panel recycling have drastically improved. When we first opened only the aluminium frame was extricable and the other valuable components usually ended up in landfill. Innovative Australian developed technology has recently emerged which allows clean separation of all solar panel components,this is currently in action in a pilot scheme in NSW demonstrating the future of PV recycling.

Any panels which cannot be repurposed are recycled to Australian E-waste Standards.