One Off Jobs


This service is for businesses or organizations located almost anywhere in Western Australia, who require one-off disposal of 100 or more solar panels.


Follow these simple steps to dispose of your panels:

  • Complete the contact form below to start a conversation with our team and receive a no obligation quote.
  • Confirm quote and freight.
  • Prepare Items for shipping in alignment with guidelines below.


There is no charge for functional panels. A fee is charged for damaged panels (smashed/broken/damaged glass or frame or damaged/cracked or broken back sheets), obscured panels (paint etc) or thin film panels as these are only suitable for recycling which incurs a cost.

Freight Costs
All jobs must be booked using the contact form below. Freight charges will apply will be confirmed upfront in writing before your booking is finalised.


We only accept bulk solar panels as one-off large jobs.
Disposal may fees apply. Please see schedule of fees and charges which can be found at the bottom of this page

  • Solar Panels
    We accept functional and damaged or obscured panels
    (i.e. smashed/damaged glass or frames, damaged back sheets or obscured by paint) costs vary.
Functional Poly & Mono Panels
Panels – Smashed Glass
Thin Film Panels
Recycling Cost per Panel
Functional Mono and Poly
(excluding panels with double glass or the following damage/obscured)
Smashed glass
Damaged Cells
Cracked back sheet

Cable cut near junction box
Leads must reach the edge of the panel

Damaged frame
Double Glass

Water Damage
This includes signs of water ingress or
damage & green discolouration.

Thin Film

Obscured Panels (paint or other substance)$10
Destruction Certificate for Insurance Purposes (per item)
please advise of requirement up front or we cannot guarantee this is possible
Freight Costs – please contact us for information


Follow the steps below to ensure your items comply with safe shipping requirements.

  • Panels must be stacked on a pallet
  • Each panel stack is approximately 1.5m high
  • Take a photo of unwrapped panels demonstrating condition.
  • Panels are wrapped to fully contain contents and protect those handling from anything sharp such as broken glass or protruding frames.
  • Panels are adequately strapped to ensure stack is stable and will not shift during transit, see load restraint guidelines. Avoid over tightening straps which can lead to damage to previously functional panels resulting in an extra charge for recycling rather than payment for a functional panel. Please note, in accordance with national regulations, each party (those shipping and receiving) are part of the chain of responsibility in ensuring the safety of loads in transit. We take this seriously and expect our clients to too.
  • Take a photo of wrapped and strapped panels.
  • Upload both pre and post wrapping photos to provide to our team.
  • If you are unable to stack panels due to damage please contact us to discuss alternative options for freight.


Poorly wrapped, strapped and ineligible items. Ensure items are accepted, stack securely and are properly wrapped to remain enclosed.
Poorly strapped stack.
Panels that are not securely strapped can shift during transit.
Loose strapping.
If panels are strapped some time before being transported, strapping can become loose and should be re-strapped prior to transit.
Secure Strapping
Panels themselves are tightly strapped and strapped to the pallet. The panels must still be wrapped prior to transit.


Please provide us with your details and information regarding the number and condition of panels requiring disposal.

All fields are required to be completed for form submission.